Our accomplished equities team is made up of high conviction stock pickers, utilising their extensive experience and diverse backgrounds to generate alpha-driven ideas.
We have a collaborative performance-driven culture which facilitates open discussion and the discovery of the best ideas, in a repeatable manner. Our culture and team structure enables our portfolio managers to form a holistic view of investment opportunities. At the same time, the small boutique nature of the team ensures a high degree of accountability.
We are primarily growth investors and believe that earnings and cash flow growth are the long-term drivers of stock performance. We look for companies with either proven track records and durable competitive advantages or growth potential that is underestimated by the market.
We offer multiple international strategies, spanning Global, Asia ex-Japan and Chinese markets.
Asia ex-Japan strategies:
- High conviction concentrated portfolios
- Balance of growth and dividend yield
- Absolute return
- Absolute return ESG
- Diversified lower risk strategies
Chinese domestic strategies:
- Relative return
- Absolute return
Global strategies:
- Absolute return
- Absolute return ESG