Liquid asset strategy that works
Track record of beating SGD Bank Saving Deposits rate* while maintaining short-term liquidity
*Source: As quoted in the MAS website. Refer to factsheet for performance return of the fund.
Introducing Fullerton SGD Cash Fund
The Fund seeks to provide investors with liquidity while achieving a return that is comparable to the SGD Bank Saving Deposits rate.
It seeks to achieve this by leveraging on its scale to obtain better pricing power in SGD deposits, placed with financial institutions with short-term investment grade ratings.

About the Fund
Fullerton SGD Cash Fund is a cash management strategy that seeks a comparable return to SGD Bank Saving Deposits rate while managing short-term liquidity for investors.

Lower investment risk
- Fund history of more than 15 years with low volatility and tracking error.1
- SGD instruments with financial institutions with short-term investment grade rating2.
- Placements are managed dynamically to respond quickly to rate movements.
Daily liquidity
- Investors are not bound by tenures imposed by fixed deposits and bills.
- Next business day settlement3 during redemption provides quick access to your funds for financial obligations, unexpected expenses and investment opportunities.

Competitive fees
Management fee capped at 0.16% p.a.4 since February 2024.
- Annualised standard deviation (0.33%) and tracking error to SGD Banks Saving Deposit rate (0.29%) since the fund’s class A inception (3 Feb 2009), measured in SGD terms and net of fees, as of 28 February 2025. Note: The fund is actively managed with reference to the SGD Banks Saving Deposit rate for performance comparison purpose. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Please refer to the latest fund factsheet for updated fund performance.
- Or Singapore-licensed Banks permitted under CPFIS to accept fixed deposits.
- Subject to redemption gate at 25% of Fund AUM on any dealing day, subject to change without further notice. The dealing and settlement timeline may vary based on the relevant dealing day and cut-off times set by both the distributor and Fullerton for trade processing and settlement. For additional information, please refer to the prospectus or contact your Relationship Manager.
- For A, C and D classes.
Fullerton SGD Cash Fund
Please reach out to your Relationship Manager to find out more.
For more details, please refer to the fund prospectus.
This publication is for information only and your specific investment objectives; financial situation and needs are not considered here. The value of units in the Fund and any accruing income from the units may fall or rise. Any past performance, prediction or forecast is not indicative of future or likely performance. Any past payout yields and payments are not indicative of future payout yields and payments. Distributions (if any) may be declared at the absolute discretion of Fullerton Fund Management Company Ltd (UEN: 200312672W) ("Fullerton") and are not guaranteed. For key risks of the Fund, please refer to the prospectus and/or the Product highlight sheet.
Please note that the purchase of a unit in Fullerton SGD Cash Fund (“FSCF”), is different from placing funds on deposit with a bank or deposit-taking company. Although the Managers may seek to maintain or preserve the principal value of FSCF, the Sub-Fund may not be able to meet this objective. There is no guarantee as to the amount of capital invested, or that you will realise a profit on your investment
Distribution may be declared out of income and/or capital of the Fund, in accordance with the prospectus. Where distributions (if any) are declared in accordance with the prospectus, this may result in an immediate reduction of the net asset value per unit in the Fund. Applications must be made on the application form accompanying the prospectus, which can be obtained from Fullerton or its approved distributors. You should read the prospectus and seek advice from a financial adviser before investing. If you choose not to seek advice, you should consider whether the Fund is suitable for you. Please refer to the prospectus of the Fund for more information.
The Fund does not offer any performance or capital guarantee. Investors should note that investments in the Fund may expose investors to risks that are different from pure deposit products. Any investments in the Fund must not at any time be thought of as similar to a deposit in a bank.